

There is more than one way to participate in the challenge, do what works best for you: stories, posts, reels, YouTube videos, or follow along and cheer others on. We know it can be difficult that is why it’s called a “challenge”. Try your best, get creative, and have fun! - P&L

The Prompts

May 1st

Tell us all about you: What’s your name? Where are you from? What do you make? What’s your expertise? Do you own/run a business or is making a hobby? What got you started? What are some of your future plans and goals?

Ideas for a post: Portrait photo/head shot. A photo of your proudest piece to show what you do. A collage/video montage that visually tells your story. A symbol of your heritage or culture.

 Hi, I’m ___ and I ___

May 2nd

This is a great way for people to learn more about who you are and what your account is all about. Be direct and tell us what to expect to see when following you!

This account is for people who ___

What is your why? What drives you to do what you do? Give the details on your purpose and motivation. Show us through visuals or a detailed filled caption. Why do you do what you do? What is your main drive that keeps you motivated to do what you do each day? What’s the bigger picture? What is your vision for future-self/business?

When someone asks me why I __ I tell them ___

May 3rd

May 4th

Share your world. Whether from inside your studio our outside your house in the yard, what does life look like through your eyes? Remember everyone everywhere is looking to relate or learn something new.

The life of welder and stay-at-home-mom may look vastly different. There is no such thing as boring, so show off!

A day in the life as a ___

May 5th

Break down your process into simple steps. What does your work look like quick time? How do you work from start to finish? Prop up your phone and capture a time lapse or combine old footage. Show us how your mind works. Maybe just a page in your sketchbook (or napkin)!

Watch me make ___ in 30 seconds

What do you do when you're not making? When you’re not working for your business, making, what else do you do with your time? What are some of your other interests? What does it look like if you had a day (or week/month) off?

When I’m not making you can find me ___

May 6th

No regrets! What is something you did that you are proud of? Something that you are hoping to accomplish one day, a bucket-list item.

 I never want to look back in life and say ___

May 7th

May 8th

What did you learn recently that you now implement to your daily life, work, specific task? Recently tried a different craft, made something with a different medium that now has your creative juices flowing? What made you start doing this and why should others maybe try doing it too?

My new favorite thing to do is ___

May 9th

A tool you’d recommend for someone in your field/niche? What is in your survival kit? Every day carry? A person? Maybe it is a non-making related practice or part of your life. Share about the impact this thing you can’t live without has on you, why you can’t live without it.

I can’t live without my ___

I wish more people knew they could ___ by ___

May 10th

Give a little hack we didn’t know might change our life / the way we do things.

Popular opinion or not, what is your standpoint on a hot topic? What helps your workflow? Let us know what you do that you think others should try too.

3 Reasons why you should ___ in the shop/studio

May 11th

What would it look like if you could go back in time? If you could redo or start over a project, what would you do differently? Why? What lessons did you learn from the first attempt?

The biggest mistake I made when it comes to ___ is ___

May 12th

What?? Nooo wayyyyy! How can someone have gone their whole life and not realized this? What’s something so simple you realized / seen that others should know about?

I’m today years old and just realized ____

May 13th

May 14th

Don’t hold back on this one. It’s inevitable there is someone out there who is feeling the same!

Does anyone else __?

May 15th

Everyone makes mistakes when starting out, that’s inevitable. Share about your mistakes and lessons learned. What advice do you have for someone just starting out with something? Share something that you learned through experience along the way in your making journey.

The #1 mistake new ___ make is ___

May 16th

What's the best part? The Crème de la crème? The thing you look forward to most in a project? What is it that makes something stand out to you in what you enjoy? What makes it your favorite part?

My favorite part about ___

Do the terms have different meanings to you, or do you find them to be interchangeable? How would you describe them and where do you find yours?

Inspiration vs Influence. What’s the difference?

May 17th

Sometimes it’s easy to build certain things up in your head to be bigger or more intimidating than it really may be. Thinking about it with a different perspective can often be helpful. What would you recommend someone keep in mind when thinking about or approaching something they want to do, but might be afraid to attempt?

If you’re scared to ___ remember to ___

May 18th

May 19th

What do you think is important to do and why? Action? Belief? Behavior? What’s the significance or benefit? Use this as a PSA or as a chance to share something about yourself personally that you find important. Highlight its positive impact on personal growth, societal progress, or goal achievement to inspire understanding and action.

Why it’s important to ___

May 20th

Description coming soon…

Expectation vs reality

May 21st

Tip Tuesday!! Let everyone in on a tip that you’ve found extremely useful!

 Pro tip for ___

May 22nd

An object? An action? What is something others need to have/to do and why?

This is why you need ___

May 23rd

Think about the avoided experiences and the positive outcomes. Share your gratitude for the paths not taken and the lessons learned. Celebrate the choices that led to a happier journey. By choice or by luck, what’s something you’re not doing or have avoided that makes life better?

I’m so glad I never ___

The next time you ___ remember to ___

May 24th

Description coming soon…

May 25th

Description coming soon…

[insert question] Asking for a friend

Description coming soon…

I can’t believe I’ve gone this long without ___

May 26th

Description coming soon…

I’ve always wanted to try ___ because ____

May 27th

May 28th

Description coming soon…

The best way to protect your ___

May 29th

Description coming soon…

 After ___ I never looked back.

May 30th

Description coming soon…

___ makes it all worth it.

May 31st

Description coming soon…

Prompt idea for next year